
8 December 2011

The City 2.0 - TED Prize Winner 2012

For the first time the TED prize winner is not an individual but an Idea: The City 2.0. Unveilling what the city 2.0 might be the announcement on TED reads like a manifesto: 

The City 2.0 is the city of the future… a future in which more than ten billion people on planet Earth must somehow live sustainably.

The City 2.0 is not a sterile utopian dream, but a real-world upgrade tapping into humanity’s collective wisdom.

The City 2.0 promotes innovation, education, culture, and economic opportunity.

The City 2.0 reduces the carbon footprint of its occupants, facilitates smaller families, and eases the environmental pressure on the world’s rural areas.

The City 2.0 is a place of beauty, wonder, excitement, inclusion, diversity, life.
The City 2.0 is the city that works.

So far- I would say - nothing revolutionary. But with the announcemnt of the prize winner TED also calls for contribution on the idea of the city 2.0.Individuals or organizations are called to formulate a 'wish' for this city of the future. The winning 'wish' will be unveiled by the end of February 2012. I am curious to see what the wishes will be.